Wake Me Up When It's Gold Again
Digital video, sound
7 minutes 19 seconds
Multiple voices narrate letters to their friends discussing their feelings and desires before going into cryogenic containers in the time of apocalypse to preserve human civilization. The video consists of archives of various absurd human activities such as swimming in shark costumes, hitting a pizza piñata, and flushing nasal passages.

Jennifer Calivas
Winslow Funaki
Baris Gokturk
Josh Graupera
Julia Haft-Candell
Amanda Horowitz
Autumn Knight
Dana Lok
Josefina Malmegard
Melanie McLain
Isadora Vaughan
Yoav Weinfeld
Lindsay Burke
Jackie Feng
Ian Gerson
Jonah King
Bryan Martello
Omar Mismar
Bridget Mullen
Keisha Scarville
Matthew Shalzi
Victoria Udonidian
Angela Willetts
Nicolas Grenier
Aschely Cone
Michelle Mantua
James Scheuren